
Owner and Publisher
Landesverband Wien Bowling
c/o OK EMC 2007

Beheimgasse 5-7
A-1170 Vienna

phone: 0043 1 405 63 20
telefax: 0043 1 405 63 20 20

Postmaster / Webmaster
Postmaster: Manfred Swietli
Webmaster: Tanja Swietli

Text on this website has been carefully checked. Regardless this check, we can not take the responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and relevance to the current situation of all information displayed.

All content, graphics and pictures are provided by the members and staff of the organizing committee. Use of this material without approval of this committee is not permitted.

Links to this website are welcome. Frame-Set with this website are not allowed. Links on this website are only routes to this sites, they are always opened in a separate window. The publisher of this website is not responible for the contents of this linked sites. We are asking for information, if there are prohibited or offensive contents found on the external links. In such a case we will remove this link immediately.